There is a handful of back pain specialist who specializes in spinal conditions. Therefore, the area injured will determine who you see. While they all focus on the back, each one has unique roles. However, sometimes your condition requires a team of specialists.

Spinal specialists typically have different training within the specialization. Any back pain or condition will initially be in your primary doctor’s care. Depending on the diagnosis, however, your doctor can refer you out. For something more serious, a spine specialist may be required.

Main Groups of Back Pain Specialists

Primary care providers:

These doctors are your first stop. Visit them as soon as you notice persistent pain. The different types of primary care providers include family practice doctors, pediatricians, obstetricians, and internists. These professionals have training and knowledge of broad back issues. They can treat acute pain and muscle strains in the back.


You may visit a chiropractor upon discovering back pain. Chiropractors also have the training and experience to treat patients who have health problems. These include those associated with the skeletal, nervous, and muscular systems.

Doctors of osteopathic medicine (DO):

Osteopathic physicians can diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses associated with spinal issues and practice preventative care. Osteopathic medicine is one of the two fields that are nationally recognized as schools of medicine.

Spine injuries which may require a referral to a back pain specialist. These doctors have expertise in diagnosing and treating spinal conditions.

Spine Specialists for Back Pain


Neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons perform spinal surgeries. They typically extend their training through spine fellowships. A spine fellowship is a group of selected surgeons who have completed their surgical residencies. This typically takes between four and seven years. These board-certified back pain specialists also provide training in spinal surgeries.


These are medical doctors that specialize in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. However, these back pain specialists do not perform surgery. Rather, they provide conservative treatment options for musculoskeletal problems.


Neurologists specialize in treating conditions of the nervous system. These diseases affect the spinal cord, nerves, and brain. Such as epilepsy, strokes, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s. These are all under the specialty practices of neurologists. A neurologist consults with other physicians to provide a long-term plan . Typically, this program is for individuals that experience chronic nervous system disorders.


Anesthesiologists are dedicated to pain relief and care of the patient. Including before and after a surgical procedure.


Physicians in this field specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. Specifically, those affecting bones, muscles, and joints. Plus, all forms of arthritis.

In addition to your primary doctor, a therapist may be required too. This therapist should be trained in helping your rehabilitation. Rehabilitation after an injury can be physical and psychological.

Therapists who Specialize in Back Pain:

Physical therapists:

These therapists have completed post-graduate school earning an advanced degree in Physical Therapy and a state license to practice. However, surgeons or chiropractors refer their patients to physical therapists.

Occupational therapists:

Occupational therapy is for patients to achieve independence. Therefore, these therapists can help patients get back on their feet.

Clinical psychologists:

These individuals have earned a doctorate in psychology. They are also state-licensed. Utilizing their skills and experience, they provide a diagnostic assessment. And preventative services to help aid in recovery.

There are specialists specifically trained in all areas. However, occasionally, a group effort is appropriate. We hope this article helped you better understand!

If you are looking for a back pain specialist or a certified physical therapist, call 888-409-8006. Offices located throughout South Florida!

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