Exercise and rehabilitation are essential for recovery after a lumbar spinal fusion procedure. And this is achieved through a prescribed physical therapy program. You need to follow through with the recommended activities. This will give the best chance for recovery and pain relief.

If you are planning to have a lumbar fusion, how you recover is crucial. This is also the same for those who have had the procedure. There can be a fear of movement after surgery. But, moving is essential to proper healing. And even more so in the case of lumbar spinal fusion.

Movement is vital, but you have to take precautions. Staying active in the right way is beneficial. Short, gentle, and frequent exercise are good for recovery.

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Healing after a Lumbar Spinal Fusion

Gradually returning to activity has several advantages, such as:

Muscle support: Smaller muscles can become inhibited after surgery. The muscles in your lower back help stabilize the spine. Movement encourages these muscles to function. This will reduce stress at and around the surgery site.
Enhance flexibility: Inactivity can cause loss of motion. Stiffness can settle in. Gentle stretching helps to make movement easier. Focusing on the core back and abdominal muscles will be beneficial. Promoting flexibility will make it easier to move around after surgery.
Improve blood flow: Movement promotes healthy blood circulation. This brings more healing blood to the surgery site. A lack of oxygen can delay healing. It is also essential for a successful fusion result.

A gentle return to moving also enhances your mental health and the release of endorphins increases. Therefore, these natural pain killers also increase feelings of well-being.

When you avoid activity after a fusion, you can cause more harm. Most types of fusion show better outcomes with exercise therapy. Doctors will vary in how intense it should be. However, some movement is the key to properly heal. Ask your surgeon before and after surgery about your specific situation.

One final thing to consider is quitting smoking. At least, not directly after the procedure. Nicotine kills osteoblasts that help grow bone. The results of those who smoke are not as positive. When you remain off nicotine, healing will be more successful. Not smoking after healing is also recommended. You can experience a reduction in chronic back pain.

If you are searching for a top physical therapist call us at 888-409-8006.

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