Proprioception is an awareness of body position and movement. This can be lost as a result of an injury. But, you can do exercises to restore your perception. Simper exercises can help you:

  • Improve spatial awareness
  • Increase a sense of joint position
  • Improve balance

Restore Proprioception with these Exercises:

Most proprioceptive exercises don’t require devices. However, you can add them if you want to increase difficulty. These exercises are beneficial when done regularly. Ideally, for 4 to 6 weeks.

One Leg Balance

This will improve ankle proprioception and stability. Try these simple steps, such as:

  • Balancing on one leg
  • Bending the opposite knee, so it is off the floor
  • Hold for one minute
  • Then, rest for 10 – 20 seconds
  • Next, repeat 3 – 4 times for each leg

Now, you can increase the difficulty by closing your eyes. Another way to achieve this is by standing on a BOSU ball. Next, attach the device to a stable platform. Or, you can try an Airex pad. This gel-foam mat challenges balance and stability.

Unilateral 3-way Kick

This exercise strengthens the core and improves balance.

  • Stand on one leg
  • Fleck your toes
  • Raise your opposite leg, then lower it back down
  • Raise the same leg to the side and then back
  • Repeat with each leg

Now, you can increase the difficulty by standing on an uneven surface.

Shoulder Wall Ball Stability

  • This move is ideal for posture and neck support. It also improves strength.
  • Place an exercise ball against a wall. Hold in place with one hand.
  • Keep your elbow extended, but not locked.
  • Make small circles with your arm to move the ball. Keep your arm extended.
  • Continue for 30 seconds or one minute.
  • Repeat with the other arm.

Therapists recommend drawing the alphabet with the ball. This helps keep time, and it also distinguishes movements.

If you are experiencing stability and balance problems call us at 888-409-8006. Our highly trained physical therapists can help!

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